
Aware Meaning in Bengali - Aware অর্থ

aware volume_up [ আওয়্যা(র্) ]
(predicatively adjective)aware of/that সচেতন; অবহিত; সাবধান; সতর্ক: He was not aware of his son’s involvement in the affair. awareness সচেতনতা; সাবধানতা; সতর্কতা।

More Meaning for Aware

aware volume_up
adjective সচেতন; অবগত; সতর্ক; জ্ঞাত; অবহিত; সজাগ;

Aware শব্দটির synonyms বা প্রতিশব্দ

বাক্যে Aware শব্দটির ব্যবহার

  • aware that he had exceeded the speed limit.
  • became aware of her surroundings.
  • ever mindful of her health.
  • mindful of his responsibilities.
  • mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action.
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